Im writing these lines while sipping 2 litres of laxative for an endoscopy I have schduled later today. To find time to write or contemplate on things is a luxury. Being sick sometimes is a perfect occasion for doing things that have been lingering for too lonng in your mind. I have been at home since Tuesday eating crackers and soup while at the same time life goes on out there. So? I have reached a plateau that is rare to be achieved in every day conditions that like a mouse on a wheel I ran all day without even realising I need to stop for a min and say enough. A similar occasion was this trip to Paris in Januay with my family. Lets revisit some of its moments here. I really miss it already and going through the pics this morning made me really nostalgic and also like always made me think a lot about my life here in Athens.
The tradition is to have a pizza upon arrival at Briciola a pizza I used to frequent with my wife Athina when we were living in Paris. Last year I ran into the lovely guys from Ladywhite and my friend and gallerist Daniele Balice. This time I had the pleasure of sharing ma table witrh Chris Olberding from Gitman Vintage one of my oldest Paris companions during fashion week and Daniele Balice. The spot changed its name bur the pizza was surprisingly even better, Same friendly staff and owner though so all good. Its proximity to Studio 6 where I usually stay is convenient especially when everything is booked during fashion week.
Naturally our morning coffe at Dreamin Man always carries the possibility of seeing good friends. We ran into Self Edge and Taiki Sakurai of Cheval D Or one of the best dressed people always.

I did not get to visit many showrooms on this trip but rather took it easy. One of the highlights for sure was the John Lobb presentation.
John Lobb Showroom.
After my mettings I got to visit the new space of Dreamin Man for a mouthwatering egg ketchup sando with my friends Vidal Benjamin and David McFarline from London srudio Commision. .Vidal is always one of the best dressed people I know in the world.
David in the train.
Near the end of day I to visit the pop up showroom of super intrersting skate show brand Village PM. Really reminiscent of an old Yoji Yamamoto style of trainer. A beautiful Peugeot 205 in bright red. Lovely skies.
As the evening settles in a quick visit to Beams event to see my friend Tatsuo Hino (what a hat) and have a snack with the family at a great bistro Le Repaire De Cartouche. Amazing fois grais that served as a great aperitivo for my dinner at Montezume with the guys from Corridor.
The meatloaf or tourte or whatever its called was out of this world as well as the wine from Jean Yves Peron.
Always nice to see Dan. One of he best people in this industry.
The beautiful Hanatsubaki Magazine at Yvon Lambert.
The next day we got to visit one of my favorite spaces in Paris called Toutia a culinary workshop run by our Lebanese friend Tracey Zeidan and her sister. A space that made me dream and think a lot about new ventures in Athens and how the scenes are so different here and there. I soent most of my day with my son Atlas. We visited the Lego shop had a sando and wandered around towm. I even got him to a meeting at one of the best showrroms I got to visit from the Swiss brand Rier and creative director Clarise Demory a real subtle force in fashion which creates beautiful things. Afterwards a visit to the classic Gavroche with our friends from Everyone Tokyo. My friend Ryo Miyoshi is always generous and happy. Im glad to annouce another upcoming collaboration wiith him.
Saturday passed with a photoshoot with Jan Melka and Salone Roquet for an upcoming book. A quick stop at Ladywhite showroom with some great wines. And dinner with Gauthier Borsarello and Christophe Victoor at the ultimate place for me Le Baratin. Greeted by its grumpy owner (ALWAYS GRUMPY) who would not find our reservation we drowned our sorrow with a bottle of Anglore and washed down the amazing sweetbreads before we moved to a Morgon Cote Du Py. We were surprised to be sitted naxt to infamous London restauranteur Hugh Corceran and his partner daughter of Lord Snowden. Theya seemed to be getting along better with the owner of Le Baratin than us. Nevertheless a stunning dinner in great company. Atlas first time in an iconic Paris instiutution. We closed our trip with a lunch at the always favorite Localino with my friend Alexis Le tan. Aways a pleasure. I left Paris with the best impressions and meetings with great people that I have the pleasure of calling friends. It made me con template of my life in Athens, my sometime lonely life and the fact that I dont feel surrounded by people that move me forward on a personal and creative level. I was happy to share the city I love so much with my wife and son. Atlas did not want to leave he got used to our little everyday routines. To the next one! Thanks to everyone that made this trip worthwile. Au revoir Paris!
To the next one! Thanks to everyone that made this trip worthwile. Au revoir Paris!