Our Legacy SS16 - Syndrome
Entitled SYNDROME, the OUR LEGACY Spring/Summer 2016 Collection explores the ways in which people can be temporarily affected by their environment -embracing the heatstroke paradisal dream.
Tourist-wear is marked by the idea of a fleeting attraction to a certain piece of clothing while overseas. Pieces found abroad tend to remain in the wardrobe, becoming a somewhat odd complement to one's style. A feverish tropical syndrome strikes the military section of the collection. Playing with the idea of a strict militant mind affected by the alluring tropical environment, black safari uniform is seen side-by-side with garments inspired by the hibiscus flower. An overarching idea of virgin warriors is best expressed through extended army jackets and varsity windbreakers, hand-dyed by textile artist Akane Moriyama in ostensibly innocent, light tie-dyes. Tracksuits, loungewear and workwear uniforms are coalesced to create an abstract ceremonial style. Heavy-duty oversized plastic zippers can be seen on everything from pale pinks to linen garments. SYNDROME is an invitation to remain in the tropical bubble.